One Million Bones

One Million Bones
by Richard Zeid

One Million Bones is a collaborative art installation designed to recognize the millions of victims and survivors who have been killed or displaced by ongoing genocides and humanitarian crises in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Burma. Their mission is to create a visible movement that will increase global awareness of these crises while raising the critical funds needed to protect and aid displaced and vulnerable survivors.

Columbia College Chicago is the home base of Team Great Lakes part in One Million Bones’ largest initiative, lay one million bones on the National Mall in Washington D.C. June 8 – 10, 2013. To date, Columbia College Chicago alone has made over 50,000 bones and has brought together schools from Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin to help the national effort.

Naomi Natale is the founder and director of One Million Bones. She has received numerous awards for her work. Naomi served as an artist-in-residence at Columbia College Chicago in 2008, 2010 and 2011.  She speaks internationally on the topic of art and activism. She is currently both a TED Senior and Carl Wilkens Fellow, respectively, and most recently spoke at Chicago Ideas Week.
This project reflects the idea of design being a cultural force. We know how design can impact and help change thinking and impact important social issues.

The poster, designed by Richard Zeid, will be used as a fundraising tool to help send Team Great Lakes to Washington in June to assist with the installation of the project.

Receiving the AIGA Chicago PUSHGrant made the project possible. Funds from the grant were used for the purchase of paper and printing of the poster. The poster was printed by the internationally acclaimed screenprint shop  The Bird Machine.

The poster measures 24 x 18 inches on 140# French Black Speckletone paper. Posters can be purchased for $20 and proceeds benefit Team Great Lakes of One Million Bones. To purchase a poster please contact Education Chair, Richard Zeid at

By admin
Published January 9, 2013
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