AIGA Chicago is excited to present Design in the Age of AI: a series of talks exploring how designers can adapt and thrive as AI continues to impact our industry.
Part 1 of our series welcomes lawyers Joseph Marinelli and Victoria Hanson of Irwin IP to discuss the intersection of artificial intelligence, creative work, and the law.
Far too often in the modern world, we sign lengthy terms & conditions documents that relinquish control of our data without realizing it in exchange for access to both creative software and social media platforms. Since the emergence of generative AI, it has become more important than ever to be cognizant of our rights as well as how we share, store and distribute our work to ensure fair attribution, compensation, prevent unlicensed usage of our intellectual property and ensure the work we create for our clients is free of any conflicts.
Joseph and Victoria will bring a legal view of the artificial intelligence programs that graphic artists, printers, publishers and illustrators use to create work. Their presentation will focus on the different types of AI programs, the terms of services stipulated by those AI programs, the various rights associated with those AI programs, and the issues and considerations creatives and clients need to be aware of when using AI.
Victoria Hanson: Victoria specializes in trademark litigation, prosecution and handling cases involving trademarks, trade dress, cybersquatting, unfair competition, copyright, counterfeiting, design patents, and false advertising. She also manages Irwin IP’s trademark prosecution practice.
Joseph Marinelli: Joe has over 24 years of experience in complex patent, trade secret, trademark, and false advertising cases across various industries. He offers counsel on IP portfolio management, structuring and negotiating IP licenses, and has extensive trial and appellate experience.
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