You’re A Piece of Work

YOU’RE A PIECE OF WORK …Now prove it.

If you are a designer, photographer or artist, established or aspiring, we invite you to participate in our communal event in the West Loop, benefitting Chicago HOPE Dollars for Scholars.

Fulton Street Collective
Bring your work and show up at 5:00pm at Fulton Street Collective, at Fulton and Damen (2000 W. Fulton St.) and choose where your work will hang! Network and socialize as the gallery unfolds while enjoying LIVE MUSIC, DRINKS and APPETIZERS.

Your piece (or pieces) of work must fit into a 17” by 17” space and be ready to hang upon arrival by nail(s) or push pin(s) provided by Harrington. Space will be awarded on a “first come, first hang” basis. Please bring at least five business cards for name display in the gallery, raffle drawing and other networking opportunities.

Harrington College of Design
Hosted by the graduate programs of Harrington College of Design, this free event allows creatives from all over the city to come together and celebrate the collaboration of various visual disciplines. Non-exhibiting enthusiasts are also welcome to attend, so bring your friends. There is a special section reserved for Harrington Alumni who will be participating!

Chicago HOPE Dollars for Scholars
The $5 suggested donation gives you a chance at our RAFFLE and proceeds benefit the local chapter of Dollars for Scholars, whose mission is to provide scholarships and mentorship to Chicago Public High School seniors with limited financial resources.

So be creative and think outside of the box. Just remember to fit inside of it. RSVP at!

By admin
Published July 3, 2013
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