Winter 2019 AIGA Chicago Board and Committee Nominations
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Call for Nominations: AIGA Chicago Board Members
Know someone who would be perfect on AIGA Chicago’s board of directors or committee? We’re officially accepting nominations until Friday, December 21, 2018.

Review the open positions below, then submit your nomination via our quick and easy form below.

A Few Things to Know
• All submissions will be presented to the nominating committee.
• Once a nomination (either peer or self-nominated) is submitted, the nominee will be contacted for more information.
• Each board member is elected to serve and represent the entire membership of the AIGA Chicago to the best of his/her ability, in accordance with the AIGA mission and the description of the board position.
• The Board of Directors meets monthly to report, determine and vote on chapter activities.
• AIGA Chicago’s board members are elected by the entire membership and serve staggered three-year terms. Lead and other volunteer positions serve renewable one-year terms.

Open Board Positions

The Treasurer will oversee the financial stability of the AIGA Chicago, acting as advisor to ensure that programs and activities are viable. The treasurer works with board to set and achieve long-term financial goals for the good of the organization and in alignment with the AIGA mission.

Position begins March 1, 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Receive, monitor, and disperse chapter funds.
  • Work with bookkeeper and administrator to generate monthly financial statements including year-to-date income and expense, monthly income and expense, check register, event specific reports, and bank statements.
  • Report on finances at monthly board meetings.
  • Monitor actual expenses against projected budgets.
  • Create and review annual budget projections for the Chapter.


VP of Member Experience
The AIGA Chicago VP of Member experience is responsible for ensuring all current, past and prospective members of the chapter feel welcomed into and supported by the organization.

This individual is the liaison between membership and the board. He or she actively encourages the Chicago design community to be members of the chapter, welcomes new members into the organization, is knowledgeable of key benefits, and manages our annual award and board member nomination process. This individual is invited to build a dedicated committee to support their actions.

Position begins March 1, 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Grow and diversify membership base
      • Work with National and local board to increase the size and diversity of the Chicago chapter
      • Coordinate outreach to past and prospective members
      • Develop strategies to articulate and promote the value of AIGA membership
      • Develop membership onboarding and engagement toolkits
      • Keep the chapter board up to date on membership statistics through monthly reports
  • Support member community
      • Welcome new members to the chapter
      • Work with the chapter board to develop programming and initiatives in line with community needs
      • Manage event surveys
      • Help chapter board develop member appreciation opportunities
        (social outreach, programming, emails, etc.)
      • Help Communications teams find ways to highlight local members
  • Develop opportunities membership engagement
    • Be a point of contact for Agency / Studio member groups, helping create opportunities for involvement with the chapter and the broader community
    • Help connect volunteers with opportunities on board and committees
    • Organize and lead award and board member nomination committee, along with coordinating nominating process.


VP of Programming
The VP of Programming oversees the planning and implementation of the annual program schedule and calendar, which strategically aligns with AIGA Chicago’s mission and goals that serve chapter members and the community.

Position begins March 1, 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Manage all programming chairs and event chairs.
  • Work with event chairs and board members to oversee the planning and implementation of programming.
  • Develop yearlong programming calendar with Executive Director.
  • Develop programming partnerships with Partnerships Chairs.
  • Foster relationships across the Board with Programming team to develop meaningful programming.
  • Connect the programming team with potential venues, sponsors, speakers and ideas (making intros and managing resources docs).


Programming Chairs
Event chairs help execute an annual program schedule/calendar that reflects activities consistent with AIGAʼs mission and meets the needs of Chapter members.

Mandatory training with our programming chairs begins March 1, 2019. Position begins June 1, 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Develop and produce quality and profitable programming.
  • Work closely with VP of Programming and Programming Co-Chairs to produce successful programs.
  • Assist in securing speakers, sponsors and venues when needed.
  • Work with the Editorial and Social Media chairs to promote chapter event schedule locally, regionally and nationally.


Education Chair
The Education Chair initiates and assists in organizing programs that are beneficial to student members, such as conferences, exhibitions and scholarships, while providing general guidance to students and serving as a liaison to faculty advisors.

Mandatory training with our education chairs begins March 1, 2019. Position begins June 1, 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Develop and produce quality and profitable programming.
  • Work closely with VP of Programming and VP of Education to produce successful programs.
  • Work closely with student groups and faculty advisors
  • Collaborate with CPS to develop adopt-a-school programming with local design agencies and studios


Interactive Chair
The AIGA Chicago Interactive Chair is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction, development, and maintenance of AIGA Chicago’s digital footprint.

Mandatory training with PJ Macklin, our Interactive Chair, begins March 1, 2019. Position begins June 1, 2019

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Maintain and evolve the AIGA Chicago website (either directly or with the support of a committee, assembled by the Interactive Chair)
  • Pursue ways to strategically expand AIGA Chicago’s digital footprint, in ways that broaden our visibility and support or better serve our community in meaningful ways
  • Work with the chapter board to ensure our digital footprint supports the efforts and initiatives of AIGA Chicago
  • Represent the interactive design community
    • Help to represent the perspectives of digital designers within the chapter board
    • Working with the programming team to develop events and initiatives to support the interactive design community
  • Familiarity with WordPress a plus


Editorial Chair
An Editorial Chair shall aid the VP of Communications in overseeing the application of core messages of the Chapter, acting as monitor to ensure that all AIGA Chicago communications are accurate, articulate, and consistent with the chapter voice. They support the mission of the AIGA through the communication of ideas and information relevant to the profession and its constituencies.

Defined Responsibilities:
These positions work closely with the VP of Communications to generate content and communicate our perspective, mission, and initiatives to the AIGA Chicago community. These messages will be communicated through the AIGA Chicago website, enewsletters, Medium, and social media. Below are some of the ways this can manifest—assistance in one of these buckets (not asking for all) would be great.

Web/Newsletters/Social Media
Est. time commitment: 5-10 hours a week

  • Event title creation
  • Editing event descriptions for spelling, grammar, and overall persuasion for Eventbrite, newsletter descriptions, and social promotion
  • Scheduling social promotion on all channels (FB, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn)

Event documentation
Est. time commitment: 5-10 hours a week

  • Editorial content pertinent to the event pre, during, and post event
  • This could take virtually any form, collaborated on by whoever is in-charge of the event and the editorial team member (think a Q&A with a panelist, a photo story about an organization, an instagram takeover from someone being celebrated during the event, etc).

Medium series
Est. time commitment: 10-15 hours a week

  • Use your imagination! We can create editorial buckets or series on our Medium—it can be Op-Eds from our VPs or Committee members (where, editorial help would be needed on the editing, publishing on Medium, and social promotion front)
  • Establishing multimedia content creation (capturing video stories, introducing reoccurring podcasts, etc.)

Open Chair Positions

Event Chair
Event chairs help execute an event series or a single event.
Mandatory training with our programming chairs begins March 1, 2019. Position begins February 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Develop and produce quality and profitable programming.
  • Work closely with VP of Programming and Programming Co-Chairs to produce successful programs.
  • Assist in securing speakers, sponsors and venues when needed.
  • Work with the Communications committee to promote chapter event schedule locally, regionally and nationally.


Mentor Program Committee Member
This committee helps run the popular Mentor Program, a 10-week cohort that occurs twice a year in the spring and fall. Sessions typically run March through May and September through November. Mandatory training with our mentor chair Jen Lemerand (rolling off) and our on-coming mentor chair Eric Irving begins February 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Organization and planning for each 10-week session leading up to the kickoff and during the program.
  • Interview potential mentors for the program and report back to the chair.
  • Create programming for all-mentor sessions such as workshops and studio tours, securing speakers and venues.
  • Help ensure mentors are set up for success.
  • Act as a lead guide during the program to three to four groups, offering 1-1 outreach to ensure success of the mentees and mentors.
  • Organize feedback throughout the program with weekly surveys.
  • Ensure all participants keep within the spirit of the program.
  • Help keep events and the program on budget.
  • Work with the Communications committee to promote mentors and events.


Editorial Committee Member

An Editorial Committee Member shall aid the VP of Communications in overseeing the application of core messages of the Chapter, acting as monitor to ensure that all AIGA Chicago communications are accurate, articulate, and consistent with the chapter voice. They support the mission of the AIGA through the communication of ideas and information relevant to the profession and its constituencies.

Defined Responsibilities:

These positions work closely with the VP of Communications to generate content and communicate our perspective, mission, and initiatives to the AIGA Chicago community. These messages will be communicated through the AIGA Chicago website, enewsletters, Medium, and social media. Below are some of the ways this can manifest—assistance in one of these buckets (not asking for all) would be great.

Web/Newsletters/Social Media
Committee member est. time commitment: 3-5 hours a week

  • Event title creation
  • Editing event descriptions for spelling, grammar, and overall persuasion for Eventbrite, newsletter descriptions, and social promotion
  • Scheduling social promotion on all channels (FB, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn)

Event documentation
Committee member est. time commitment: 3-5 hours a week

  • Editorial content pertinent to the event pre, during, and post event
  • This could take virtually any form, collaborated on by whoever is in-charge of the event and the editorial team member (think a Q&A with a panelist, a photo story about an organization, an instagram takeover from someone being celebrated during the event, etc).

Medium series|
Committee member est. time commitment: 5-10 hours a week

  • Use your imagination! We can create editorial buckets or series on our Medium—it can be Op-Eds from our VPs or Committee members (where, editorial help would be needed on the editing, publishing on Medium, and social promotion front)
  • Establishing multimedia content creation (capturing video stories, introducing reoccurring podcasts, etc.)


Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Executive Director, Kelly Knaga at

By admin
Published November 25, 2018
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