New Opportunities

New Opportunities
written by Adrianne Hawthorne

This session, I’m leading the New Opportunities group of the AIGA Mentor Program. Each one of us brings something unique to the table, and since we come from all walks of life, a Resume Night sounded like a great meeting idea.

The plan – gather all 7 of us in a room for a night of candid feedback on each other’s resumes. I volunteered my apartment, and the only requirement was to bring copies of your resume to pass around, and a 6-pack of beer. It went so well, that we only got through 3… therefore, Resume Night Part II to commence this Wednesday!

I mean, seriously, when else can you get honest feedback from 6 other working professionals in your field? I know for a fact I’ve never had this opportunity before. It was awesome to see everyone come together with the common goal of helping one another. True collaboration and mentorship, folks. I’m so glad to be leading this group of dedicated, talented people.

Reposted with permission from

By admin
Published August 8, 2013
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