Morningstar Tour Shows Life Behind the Numbers

This past Wednesday, the AIGA Mentor Program had the pleasure of visiting the Chicago office of Morningstar, an investment research firm that also happens to be a design powerhouse. The space was simply stunning. The offices were filled with gorgeous furnishings, lighting fixtures, signage and architectural detail. Even the door handles were considered.

Philip Burton, design consultant for Morningstar, a Professor at UIC’s School of Design and an AIGA Fellow, led the tour. Philip’s passion for the company, the space and its people were refreshing to see.

In 2010, Morningstar won the AIGA Corporate Design Leadership Award.

Thank you to Mentor Leader and Morningstar Designer, Sharlene King, for making the tour possible. Follow her @typodactyl

If you’re interested in joining the AIGA Chicago Mentor Program, email Katherine Walker at

Photo Credit: Anne Evans, Chicago Architecture Foundation

By admin
Published January 10, 2014
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