Mentor Program Summer Session / Studio Tour & Talk #3: Juice Interactive

Juice Interactive hosted the mentor program for a studio tour and talk last week. Co-founder and Creative Director, Tim Rawls, gave a brief introduction of Juice Interactive and its history. Digital Strategy Director, Lara Tokarz, spoke to the group about the role of a digital strategist and Web Designer Jon Suh gave a demo on SVG CSS Animation. To cap off the talk, Co-founder & Operations Director JoAnn Leonard joined the group for a Q&A session. Here’s what some of the attendees thought of the event:

“Juice is filled with very down-to-earth, passionate, and talented individuals who genuinely care about those around them and strive to build strong relationships with everyone they meet. Not only did they open up their space, but were happy to answer every question we had in great detail and provide us all with both inspiration and encouragement for our own careers.”

– Chelsie Tamms

“I really enjoyed hearing how a small interactive digital firm was built from the ground up by two former print designers who started with their existing relationships!”

– Donna Johnson

“Thank you Juice for showing me the delicate balance between design and development. It was a great experience and one that will surely change the way I perceive things.” 

– Jacob Wall

“Walking into Juice Interactive, I had no idea what to expect, simply because I had never heard of them. By the end of the night, I could honestly say it was the best studio visit I’ve ever been on. I enjoyed hearing the background stories on how they got started, and how building relationships is key to a successful career. It was great to meet the friendly people on the team and see the beautiful studio space. Any studio with rope swings is a winner.”

– @brittanylhayes

Thank you to Juice Interactive for generously hosting us!!

Questions about the Mentor Program? Please contact Monina at

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By admin
Published August 13, 2014
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