Explore the Future of the Web at WebVisions Chicago – AIGA Chicago Members Save 20%!

Explore the Future of the Web at WebVisions Chicago – AIGA Chicago Members Save 20%!

Sept. 26-29, 2012
Siskel Film Center &
Harrington College of Design

WebVisions explores the future of web and mobile design, technology, user experience and business strategy with an all-star lineup of visionary speakers, including Mark Trammell of Twitter, Kelly Goto and Steve Portigal, Nathan Shedroff (author of Make it So), Jared Spool, Maria Giudice of Hot Studio, and more!

The event kicks off with Studio Tours, a Hackathon for Social Good and networking parties. And of course, two days of sessions, keynotes and panels followed by a full day of workshops.

To receive the conference and workshops discounts, click the link “Enter promotional code” by the Order Now button and enter the code “AIGACHI”

Register online at http://wvchi.eventbrite.com/

Buy a Workshop, Get a Free Workshop

The pre-event discounts for WebVisions Chicago end on Fri., Sept. 21st, and we wanted to announce a special deal: Buy a conference pass and get two workshops for the price of one!

All of our half-day workshops offer in depth training on a wide range of topics, with leading industry experts…many of whom will be presenting in Chicago for the first time. Learn about building awesome HTML5 games with the crew from Bradley and Montgomery, discover the secrets of UnPresenting with Heather Gold, use Game Mechanics to motivate audiences, learn practical design tools for team innovation with Jared Spool, see how SciFi influences interface design and more!

To register, call Brad or Jennifer at (503) 230-2058 with your payment info from 9:00am – 5:30pm, Monday thru Friday or email us at info@webvisionsevent.com.

By admin
Published September 15, 2012
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