About Thomas Phinney Thomas Phinney is a typographer at large. In his day job, which he occasionally moonlights from, he is senior product manager for fonts and typography at Extensis, including the WebINK web font solution. He is also treasurer of ATypI, the international typographic association. From 1997- 2008 he did type at Adobe, lastly as product manager for fonts and global typography. His typeface Hypatia Sans is an Adobe Original (with help from Robert Slimbach, Miguel Sousa and Paul Hunt). Phinney has spoken at scores of conferences, including ATypI, AIGA, TypeCon, WebVisions, the InDesign Conference, AdobeMAX, and many others. He has long been involved in the design, technical, forensic, business, standards and history of type. His interest in forensic typography has led to testifying as an expert witness in court, being quoted in newspapers from the Washington Post to the Dallas Morning News, and being consulted by organizations ranging from PBS (for History Detectives) to the US Treasury Department. Phinney has an MS in printing from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and an MBA from UC Berkeley.
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$5 members
$10 non-members
After Party
Moe's Cantina (River North location) just a couple blocks North from Harrington, across the river.
155 West Kinzie Street, Chicago, IL
(312) 245-2000 moescantina.com