Design Discourse with Someoddpilot
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For the past 25 years SOP has been blurring the lines between art & design for indie cultural and global brands alike. A new exhibit titled “Someoddplanet” at the Public Works Gallery captures this spirited approach in a once in a lifetime gallery installation, covering a diverse array of personal and commissioned work, and a new series of apparel, records, and merchandise.

Come join us for a talk at the gallery by the studio’s founder Chris Eichenseer and co-owner Annika Welander as they dive into the founding of the studio, their operating creative philosophies and best business practices that has allowed a scrappy, completely independent studio to rise up from high school fantasy into a successful, long-running creative juggernaut.

Thank you to our sponsor!
The Someoddpilot design studio was founded in Chicago in 1999, side by side with a record label of the same name. In the late 90’s graphic design felt new, and small studios were starting to show up on the radar in places like the Empty Bottle and at record stores, credited for designing local album covers, posters and flyers. From branding Pitchfork to rebranding Lollapalooza, doing work in trade for beer with the Empty Bottle & The Whistler, and helping guide global brands like Patagonia, Smith, Polk, Chaco, Saucony and so many more, the studio has proven that commercial creativity can be wildly adventurous, fun and sustainable.

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When & Where
Thu, Nov 21, 2024 6:15 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Public Works Gallery
2141 West North Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647