8AM to 5PM
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IIT Institute of Design Strategy Conference
Our goal for the 13th year of the IIT Institute of Design Strategy Conference is to build on insights from emerging trends and behaviors we observed in the four preceding Strategy World Tour events in San Francisco, Hong Kong, Mumbai and Detroit. We are bringing some of the drivers of change to the Conference. While the high level of speakers and conversation will be the same as before, the format has changed to enable everyone to contribute to the content. The speakers and additional strategists, thinkers, and business leaders will lead focused discussions and work sessions on how the changes we are facing impact specific industries or domains, and how we can apply strategic design-driven approaches to address them.
During the first morning, provocateurs will challenge us by presenting ideas driving change. These will include the confluence of robotics and AI, the emergence of the maker movement, carrying out sustainable design while world’s middle class grows another billion people, the rise of innovation in China and India, and the trend of applying strategic design to social challenges.
In the afternoon of the first day, creators we will lead small groups in exploring how these provocations will impact industries, services, environments, information, and strategy. The application areas will include broad areas like health, learning, work, the future of food, social innovation, the changing nature of design services, and the role of innovation centers inside organizations. Brief share outs will take place on the second morning.
During the last afternoon, integrators will transform wide-ranging ideas from the previous 36 hours into enlightened insights via on-stage discussions and debates. Integrators will describe early indicators of how design and strategy are changing.
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