Cusp Conference

Cusp Conference is about broad thinking. It’s about getting people out of the world they know and immersing them in a flood of ideas that ultimately help break down barriers and connect unknown dots. And it’s about finding ideas and relevance in unexpected places.

The program is eclectic by design, intended to provoke cross-pollination of ideas and generate new thinking.
It’s a two-day conference where attendees enjoy 25+ inspiring and thought-provoking presentations by people who are passionate about designing a better future.

Cusp Conference 2014
The design of everything.
October 22–23, 2014

twitter: @cuspconference

AIGA Members get 20% off the ticket price with code: AIGA1400A
When & Where
Wed, Oct 22, 2014 - Thu, Oct 23, 2014 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM