Call for Nominations: 2017 AIGA Chicago Board & Committee Members
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Know someone who would be perfect on AIGA Chicago’s board of directors or committee? We’re officially accepting nominations until April 15, 2017.

Review the open positions below, then submit your nomination via our surprisingly quick and easy form.

A Few Things to Know

  • All submissions will be presented to the nominating committee.
  • Once a nomination (either peer or self-nominated) is submitted, the nominee will be contacted for more information.
  • Each board member is elected to serve and represent the entire membership of the AIGA Chicago to the best of his/her ability, in accordance with the AIGA mission and the description of the board position.
  • The Board of Directors meets regularly to report, determine and vote on chapter activities.
  • AIGA Chicago’s board members are elected by the entire membership and serve staggered three-year terms. Lead and other volunteer positions serve renewable one-year terms.

Open Board Positions


This person is responsible for acting as public face of the chapter while overseeing all activities, programs, initiatives and decision-making organization-wide.

Specific duties include:

  • Maintain financial and procedural stability of the chapter.
  • Preside over monthly board meetings, weekly executive calls, and annual planning retreat.
  • Develop broader chapter participation by encouraging board members to form and maintain solid committee structures that reach out to the AIGA Chicago membership.
  • Evaluate board structure to ensure that the chapter leadership is addressing key areas of concern and member interest.
  • Ensure continuity of board leadership by active participation in succession planning and nominations process.)

Open Committee Positions

Diversity & Inclusion Lead

This person will help grow diversity within the Chicago chapter, considering race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability and disability, age, and other factors.

Specific duties include:

  • Celebrate a diverse array of influential designers, including historical figures and contemporary role model
  • Cultivate greater opportunity, awareness of diversity issues, and inclusive design cultures
  • Connect with students, emerging designers, and like-minded groups to support a broader range of future practitioners and leaders)

Design for Good Lead

This person will work with the existing Design for Good Committee to facilitate conversation among designers and organizations with a shared goal of inspiring sustainable social impact in the local community.

Specific duties include:

  • Plan and execute panel discussions and workshops that demonstrate the power of design in tackling societal challenges through design thinking and problem-solving
  • Work closely with VP of Community Engagement to foster collaboration across teams, including Women Lead, Education and Diversity & Inclusion
  • Act as a point of contact and resource for local non-profit and social impact organizations interested in design and involvement with AIGA Chicago

Event Chair

Event chairs help execute an annual program schedule/calendar that reflects activities consistent with AIGAʼs mission and meets the needs of Chapter members.

Specific duties include:

  • Develop and produce quality and profitable programming.
  • Work closely with VP of Programming and Programming Co-Chairs to produce successful programs.
  • Assist in securing speakers, sponsors and venues when needed.
  • Work with the Editorial and Social Media chairs to promote chapter event schedule locally, regionally and nationally.

To submit someone (or yourself) for consideration, make your nomination no later than April 15, 2017.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to

By admin
Published March 30, 2017
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