Fall 2018 Board Nominations

Call for Fall 2018 Nominations: AIGA Chicago Board Members
Know someone who would be perfect on AIGA Chicago’s board of directors or committee? We’re officially accepting nominations until Friday, August 17, 2018.

Review the open positions below, then submit your nomination via our quick and easy form below.

A Few Things to Know
• All submissions will be presented to the nominating committee.
• Once a nomination (either peer or self-nominated) is submitted, the nominee will be contacted for more information.
• Each board member is elected to serve and represent the entire membership of the AIGA Chicago to the best of his/her ability, in accordance with the AIGA mission and the description of the board position.
• The Board of Directors meets monthly to report, determine and vote on chapter activities.
• AIGA Chicago’s board members are elected by the entire membership and serve staggered three-year terms. Lead and other volunteer positions serve renewable one-year terms.

Open Board Positions

The Treasurer will oversee the financial stability of the AIGA Chicago, acting as advisor to ensure that programs and activities are viable. The treasurer works with board to set and achieve long-term financial goals for the good of the organization and in alignment with the AIGA mission. Position begins September 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Receive, monitor, and disperse chapter funds.
  • Work with bookkeeper and administrator to generate monthly financial statements including year-to-date income and expense, monthly income and expense, check register, event specific reports, and bank statements.
  • Report on finances at monthly board meetings.
  • Monitor actual expenses against projected budgets.
  • Create and review annual budget projections for the Chapter.


Mentor Program Chair
The Mentor Program Chair will oversee the chapter’s 10 week Mentor Program, which has an average of 100 mentees and 15 mentors each spring and fall. This position also oversees the management of the Mentor Program Committee, interviewing and training mentor leaders, developing bi-weekly program with committees during mentor sessions such as studio tours and workshops. Mandatory training with Jen Lemerand, our Mentor Chair, begins February 2019. Position begins June 2019.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Be the face of the program to the mentors, mentees and design community.
  • Be comfortable with public speaking at the mentor events.
  • Have a positive and impactful voice on the importance of mentorship at all levels of your career.
  • Interview and cast 10-12 mentors for the spring and fall sessions.
  • Work with our content team to promote the mentors and any agencies we work with on social media.
  • Develop potential group themes for mentors to lead, or work with the mentors to develop their own concepts.
  • Consistent themes are portfolios, personal development, freelance, user experience, leadership and a collaborative group project.
  • Train the mentors on best practices for leading a group of 8-10 mentees.
  • Manage expectations of the program over the 10 weeks to the mentors and mentees in person, via Slack and all events.
  • Communications of program logistics before, during and after the sessions to all participants.
  • Encourage engagement with groups over 10 weeks for high participation rates.
  • When needed speak 1-1 with mentees if they are in need of guidance.
  • Organization of 80+ mentees into groups after the kickoff with management of these groups by the committee.
  • Development of group activities in alternating weeks of mentor sessions such as studio tours, workshops and a portfolio review.
  • Ability to mediate if a mentee or mentor is not working within the best intentions of the program.
  • Respond to 2+ emails per week from mentees interested in the program over the course of the year, ensuring they know when the next session is opening.
  • Keep all mentor documents organized for easy access on Google Drive by session for the team and your successor.
  • Continually evolve the program after each session to better the program based on new insights.


Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Executive Director, Kelly Knaga at kel@chicago.aiga.org.

By admin
Published July 27, 2018
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