2018 AIGA Chicago Board Nominations

Call for Nominations: AIGA Chicago Board & Committee Members
Know someone who would be perfect on AIGA Chicago’s board of directors or committee? We’re officially accepting nominations until Friday, February 23, 2018.

Review the open positions below, then submit your nomination via our quick and easy form below.

A Few Things to Know
• All submissions will be presented to the nominating committee.
• Once a nomination (either peer or self-nominated) is submitted, the nominee will be contacted for more information.
• Each board member is elected to serve and represent the entire membership of the AIGA Chicago to the best of his/her ability, in accordance with the AIGA mission and the description of the board position.
• The Board of Directors meets monthly to report, determine and vote on chapter activities.
• AIGA Chicago’s board members are elected by the entire membership and serve staggered three-year terms. Lead and other volunteer positions serve renewable one-year terms.

Open Board Positions

The Treasurer will oversee the financial stability of the AIGA Chicago, acting as advisor to ensure that programs and activities are viable. The treasurer works with board to set and achieve long-term financial goals for the good of the organization and in alignment with the AIGA mission.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Receive, monitor, and disperse chapter funds.
  • Work with bookkeeper and administrator to generate monthly financial statements including year-to-date income and expense, monthly income and expense, check register, event specific reports, and bank statements.
  • Report on finances at monthly board meetings.
  • Monitor actual expenses against projected budgets.
  • Create and review annual budget projections for the Chapter.

VP of Membership
The VP of Membership Chair shall support the mission of AIGA by facilitating membership growth by directing new membership campaigns, managing active and prospective membership lists, recruiting new members and coordinating volunteers for events and projects. This position also oversees the annual nominating process for open board positions as well as Chapter and National awards.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Work with other board members to increase the size and diversity of the Chicago chapter.
  • Foster and support existing membership base.
  • Attend chapter events and events tangential to the AIGA community as the public face of AIGA Chicago.
  • Manage new member welcome to the AIGA with AIGA Chicago Chapter Administrator.
  • Add members to the membership committee to help develop new membership in design, corporate/business, advertising and printer communities.
  • Development and maintenance of a volunteer database.
  • Coordination of volunteer activities based on the needs of board members.
  • Organize and lead board nominating committee and coordinate nominating process.
  • Work with the Chapter Administrator to maintain the active membership database and build on the prospective membership database.
  • Work with the Executive Director and Programming Chair to Develop a Chapterʼs Membership Survey.

VP of Communications
The VP of Communications shall oversee the application of core messages of the Chapter, acting as monitor to ensure that all AIGA Chicago communications are accurate, articulate, and consistent with the chapter voice. Supports the mission of the AIGA through the communication of ideas and information relevant to the profession and its constituencies.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • This position works closely with other board members to generate content and communicate to the AIGA Chicago membership. Messages will be communicated through the AIGA Chicago website, all AIGA Chicago print materials, and social media.
  • This position is responsible for the recruitment, oversight and evaluation of editorial committee members, which includes designers, editors, printers, writers and other relevant contributors.
  • Work with Interactive Chair to manage web site content committee and generate content for the web site on a regular and timely basis.
  • Work with Partnerships Chair(s) to develop sponsor related communications and maintain sponsor presence on website and print matter.
  • Work with Programming Chair(s) to promote events, oversee review and editing all promotional materials for events. This could involve work of a committee or devising a system to ensure that all materials are checked and edited prior to public dissemination.

VP of Education
The VP of Education initiates and assists in organizing programs that are beneficial to student members and in accordance with the mission of AIGA. Programs include conferences, exhibitions, scholarships, etc. The VP serves as a liaison with faculty advisors, assisting the individual student groups in the region to enable their own chapter growth and ensure activities align with the Chapterʼs vision. The VP is also available to individual students seeking assistance in making the transition from student to professional.

  • This position works to connect Chicago creatives with Chicago Public Schools’ classes and students.
  • Work with the educational committee to hold yearly portfolio reviews.
  • Form a committee to review and select Student Group Grant and What’s Next grant awardees.

Partnerships Chair
The Partnerships Chair will facilitate opportunities for local and regional companies to participate in and support Chapter programming and activities in accordance with the AIGA mission. Increase understanding of the benefits of partnerships within the local business community. Establish and nurture corporate partnerships within the guidelines of the national model. Oversee all partnership transactions to insure receipt of related benefits.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Broaden the Chapterʼs partnership base by developing new relationships within the local and regional business communities.
  • Create and implement an annual partnership opportunity packet including information on upcoming Chapter events and activities for the calendar year.
  • Maintain an organized and efficient system of tracking and recording all sponsorship activities on an annual basis.

Editorial Chair
The Editorial Chair shall oversee the application of core messages of the Chapter, acting as monitor to ensure that all AIGA Chicago communications are accurate, articulate, and consistent with the chapter voice. Supports the mission of the AIGA through the communication of ideas and information relevant to the profession and its constituencies.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • This position works closely with other board members to generate content and communicate to the AIGA Chicago membership. The message will be communicated through the AIGA Chicago website, emails and enewsletters, print materials, and social media.
  • Work with Interactive Chair to manage website content and generate content for the web site on a regular and timely basis.
  • Work with VP of Partnerships to develop sponsor related communications and maintain sponsor presence on website and print matter.
  • Work with Programming Chairs to promote events, oversee review and editing all promotional materials for events.

Open Committee Positions

Volunteer Lead
The Volunteer Lead will coordinate volunteers for all events, programs and workshops. They will help the board thank volunteers who have given their time, talent and resources to AIGA Chicago. Making sure all those involved feel appreciated and that the chapter is meeting the needs of those seeking new skill-sets, networks and opportunities within our community.

Defined Responsibilities:

  • Attend AIGA and community events as an ambassador of the Chicago chapter.
  • Manage the events alongside the Programming and Event Chairs.
  • Work with VP of Membership to coordinate volunteer activities based on the needs of board members.
  • Work with VP of Membership to development and maintenance of a volunteer database.
  • Develop and execute creative ways to thank all volunteers for their service.

To submit someone (or yourself) for consideration, make your nomination no later than Friday, February 23, 2018.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Executive Director, Kelly Knaga at kel@chicago.aiga.org.

Thank you to Uptake for the artwork!

By admin
Published February 5, 2018
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