This event is SOLD OUT. We will not be selling tickets at the door tonight. Thank you.
6 to 6:30 PM – Registration/Networking
6:30 to 7:30 PM – Panel discussion
Ticket Pricing
$5 Student Members
$15 Members
$20 Non-Members
AIGA Chicago and Artisan present
The Art of Instagram: Likes, Comments, New Connections
More than just a platform for pretty pictures, Instagram is helping people build businesses, expand networks, and become more engaged in the creative community. Hear the stories firsthand from our diverse panelists at this can’t-miss talk, co-hosted by Artisan. Prepare to double tap.
Victoria Pater, designer, Braintree @victoriap8er
Lauren Brady, Senior Web Marketing Coordinator, CBRE
Jenna Blazevich, Principal, Vichcraft, @vichcraft
Nathan Michael, Principal, Nathan Michael, @nathanmichael
Mike Salvatore, Owner, Heritage Bicycles, @heritagebicycle
Twitter Hashtags & Handles
Please consider joining AIGA to support our programs and initiatives.
Special thanks to Jennifer Serafini (AIGA Chicago), Kirsten Agnello-Dean (Artisan) and Marissa Philipp (CBRE) for organizing this event and to Artisan for sponsoring this event. Thanks to Leo Burnett for the graphic.